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School Counseling


BG School Counseling Office

The school counseling program at BG helps students achieve positive personal, social, and academic growth. Students are welcome to visit the counseling office at any time during the school day but are encouraged to email their counselor to schedule a meeting.

Services we provide include: 

  • Individual Counseling
  • Small-Group Counseling
  • Classroom Guidance

Individual Personal Counseling

Individual personal counseling is a vital function of the school counseling program aimed at helping students explore themselves to foster personal growth and understanding. Students can come to the counseling office to talk about any issue they face; topics could include: bullying, stress, peer drama, traumatic events, academic concerns, employment, financial aid assistance, interest inventories, career planning, college admissions guidance, etc.

Classroom Guidance Lessons

Each month, each student receives at least one classroom guidance lesson taught by the school counselor. Students are encouraged to focus on their own personal, social, academic, and career development during these sessions. Lessons age appropriate.  Below is a sample of the curriculum by grade level:

Freshmen: Bullying/Cyber Bullying; Transition to High School; Legacy; Study Skills

Sophomore: Job Applications; Healthy/Unhealthy Relationships; Career Exploration

Junior: Mock Job Interviews; SAT/ACT Planning; Pinpointing Your Passion

Senior: Letters of Recommendation; Transition to Life After High School; Stereotypes

Small-Group Counseling

During the school year, counselors, teachers, and administration are constantly accessing the needs of our student body. When we see that many of our students face the same challenge, we offer small group counseling. Small groups can be formed for various concerns, such as grief and loss, time management, social skills, organization, anxiety, stress, anger management, and relational aggression. These groups usually run after school from 2:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.


Information disclosed with the school counselor in the counseling office setting is confidential. This information is not disclosed without the permission of the student unless:

  1. The student is hurting or threatening to hurt themselves
  2. The student is wanting or threatening to hurt someone else
  3. The student is being hurt

These three limitations of confidentiality follow Bishop Guilfoyle’s policies and procedures regarding breaking confidentiality and meet the requirements for mandated reporting by the state of Pennsylvania.