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High School Experience

High School Experience


Each child is unique, and so is their education.

The High School experience prepares students for success after BG. High School students are busy with extracurricular interests as well as their schoolwork.  They play on teams, participate in clubs. travel, and make lifelong friends.  At the same time, they find their special strengths and explore coursework, activities, internships that expose them to new ideas.  As they reach the later high school years each student can begin to develop a schedule based on their interests, whether it is taking up to 2 years of college level coursework (and potentially entering college as a Junior instead of Freshman) or entering the workforce with certified skills and even relevant work experience. High achievement is not the result of external pressure, it is the result of a student recognizing their potential and using it. The results happen when they take responsibility.  The school provides the framework and opportunity.

They select classes that work according to their individualized academic success plan. The selection is made by the student, their parents, and the counseling office. By the time they graduate, their schedule will not be the same as any other student.

In the classroom, teachers help students learn in a way that works for them.

Students select activities based on their talents. However, they also pursue fields and activities for the experience, regardless of talent. From the drama club, chorus, art, athletics (15% of our graduates play sports in college), students are presented with a wide range of options and often pursue interests they developed while at BG.

100% of our students are involved in some activity and community service, and most pursue multiple activities. BG students are active and learn to both lead and follow. They develop as leaders while starting new clubs and interest groups, pursuing outside learning, and demonstrating who they are by what they do.

A group of female soccer players are posing for a photo. They are wearing purple uniforms.


A young musician plays the trumpet in a school band.

BG’s policy to respect others, regardless of differences, is a cornerstone of our academic experience. Students need to feel safe while figuring out who they are.

Each student is alike in that they are a BG student grounded in knowledge, discipline, and goodness. However, no two students do it in precisely the same way, which is just as it should be.